Sunday, 26 June 2011

Video from Press Event

Not great quality footage, but it shows some things extra compared to other footage.

Thanks go to @K_Toyama (Game Director for Gravity Daze) and @Shin_Ra

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Another Video & Hands-on [UPDATE]

There's not too much new stuff here, but its another look at the first few minutes of the E3 demo:

Video streaming by UstreamThere's also another hands-on preview that I'd missed here: 

UPDATE: Seems I missed a few more hands-on impressions:
Again, not a lot of new details, but it's good to see plenty of different news outlets reporting on the game.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Lovely High-res Concept Art

Flickr user "Shin-Ra PS3" has uploaded a bunch of HUGE versions of the concept art from the official Japanese site. The images are copyrighted, so I can't post them here but if you click the links below you can see them all (right-click the image and choose "Original" under "View all sizes" to get them in their full glory).
There are also a couple of smaller animated GIF images here and here, showing enemies.

Hands-On Articles (+video)

Some nice hands-on previews here:
But first, watch this must see hands-on video at Kotaku (link), which contains the full E3 demo, including cutscenes (though text is hard to read) and combat, with a Sony rep explaining things.

Official Trailers

(The second video starts with Gravity Daze footage, then moves on to footage from Shinobido 2, Dynasty Warriors, Dragon's Crown, Blazblue CS II+ and Hot Shots Golf).